G O - H O M E S U P P L I E S & O P T I O N A L R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S :

Your puppy will go home with their kennel, a small bag of their current dog food, microchip and information on how to register it online, your purchase paperwork, veterinarian exam records, a toy or blanket with their littermates' scent, and their comfy bed. Below are our other favorite things for our dogs, and items we think are necessary as well.
POTTY AREA - Your new puppy will be used to pottying on their pee pad as well as in the grass. We get the pee pads with the pee pad holder so they don't chew them up. We teach them that there is a specific place to go to the bathroom, and this helps them become potty trained easier. When bringing home your new puppy, you can forego the pee pad and focus solely on bringing your puppy outside to potty as often as you can, or you can keep a pee pad next to the backdoor in case you can't get to your puppy in time to let him/her outside to potty. You can also use the pee pad at night for a few weeks in a playpen with their kennel (door left open) if you're not ready to jump into night time crate training right away. This system works well for those that work full time while their puppy is young too. All of these items will be linked below.
PLAY PEN - There are two options for play pens, one is a cheaper option, and one is a more sturdy expensive option. This is great for those that work full time, for all night use, or just general independent play time.
SNUGGLE PUPPY - Your puppy will have a hard time transitioning from our home to yours mainly at night time. The snuggle puppy works as a tool to help your puppy sleep at night, as if it were cuddled next to it's littermate. There is a battery operated heart beat box inside.
POTTY BELLS - Our past puppy owners highly recommend the potty bells. It's a great tool for teaching your dog how to communicate when they have to go. They are extremely smart dogs, so it's easy to do! One of the cons to this is that they'll ring the bells often even if they want to go play outside, and you have to be consistent and open the door every time if you want to be successful with this. The way that we recommend teaching them, is that you open the door to let them out every time they ring it, and only reward with a treat if they actually potty. The open door is the reward for ringing the bell, and the treat is the reward for pottying outside. They'll quickly catch on, so you won't be having to get up and open the door constantly forever! There is another version of the potty bells called Smart Bell, and its similar to a door bell that the dog pushes with his nose.
PROBIOTICS - These are great for when you bring your furbaby home. They usually get an upset stomach due to the stress of a new environment, and these help a ton. Also, anytime you change dog foods, it's best to give a few probiotics to help their stomach during the change. We like to give these anytime we see that our dogs have loose stool. Gut health is also important to reduce bad breath in dogs as well.
TREATS - We are very health conscience people and like our dogs to only have healthy, natural treats. The bully sticks and buffalo ears are all natural and one ingredient treats for chew time/bored pups. If your dog doesn't like the buffalo, you can try pig ears instead. We like the buffalo because it's healthier than the pig ears and has less calories. For an even healthier and non-smelly option, there's also cow ears, but my dog's won't eat the ones that don't stink (eyeroll). The freeze dried liver are healthy delicious treats for a quick bite, but they may be difficult for puppies to eat. We mainly give these to puppies over 6 months old. Under 6 months old, our puppies love the Fresh Pet small bites sold in the refrigerator section at Rouses or Target. These are great for quick training sessions.
TOYS - For playtime, the benebone is one of our favorite last lasting chew toys! And you can't go wrong with a squeaky tennis ball. These are always our dogs' favorites for fetch. Goldendoodles are natural retrievers and LOVE fetch. Another favorite in our house is anything from Playology. This chew ring is beef scented and my dog's go crazy over it.
SLOPPER STOPPER BOWL - This is a MUST once their beard is beginning to grow in. When their beard grows longer and they drink water, the water will drip all over your floor. A Slopper Stopper bowl helps cut down on the water drips by creating a vacuum suction in the center of the bowl, holding the water down while holding the fur up away from the water.
LARGE KENNEL - The one that I have linked below is perfect for adult size. The kennel they will go home with will last them a few more weeks, so you can wait to purchase a large one after they've grown out the first one. You can either increase their kennel size gradually by purchasing a medium size, then large, or you can purchase a large with a divider until they are crate trained without potty accidents. If a puppy that isn't crate trained has too much room in their crate, chances are they will potty in their crate.
SEAT BELT - This is very important! not just for accidents, but this also keeps your dog in place for your safety. We have a few dogs that like to try to get in our laps while we're driving. We like the ones linked because they're adjustable, come in multiple colors, have some stretch to it, and it comes in a 2 pack! We keep one in each vehicle so we don't lose them.
HARNESS - The wildone harness is perfect. The colors are beautiful, they're very well made, and they stretch a bit so you don't have to adjust it so much as your puppy grows. Definitely our favorite!
LEASH - The Sleepy Cotton rope leash is our favorite leash. Beautiful colors, upcycled materials, and very well made! This one is not only our favorite, but past puppy owner recommended as well.